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Here you will find the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
If you would like more information about hydrogen, Hiringa Energy, or what we are currently working on, please feel free to get in touch with us - we would love to hear from you and answer any further questions you may have about our mission to supply New Zealand with zero emission hydrogen.
Where does the hydrogen come from?Hydrogen is the most abundant element on the planet. One of the world’s largest sources of hydrogen is water, and that’s what we use to make green hydrogen fuel. Hiringa hydrogen fuel is created on site at refuelling stations. We start with water, and use electrolysis to separate hydrogen molecules from oxygen. This reaction takes place in a unit called an electrolyser. The oxygen is emitted into the air, and the hydrogen (which is loaded with electricity) is stored in containers, ready to be transferred into hydrogen vehicles.
What’s in the containers?Inside the white containers are the specialist equipment for making, compressing and storing hydrogen gas that has been separated from water.
Is it gas or liquid?The green hydrogen that fuels vehicles is stored as a gas. It is separated from liquid water by electrolysis.
How does green hydrogen work as a fuel?When green hydrogen is separated from water, it stores the electricity that is used in the process. The fuel cells in hydrogen vehicles use that electricity to power the vehicle, in a similar way to how a battery powers an electric car.
Why is hydrogen considered a clean fuel?Because no carbon is emitted at any stage of its use - from producing hydrogen to fuelling vehicles, the only emissions are oxygen and water vapour. Hiringa green hydrogen uses renewable energy sources such as solar and wind to create electricity for electrolysis. This creates green hydrogen gas. Green hydrogen has no carbon whatsoever, so when it’s used to power a vehicle, the only emission is water vapour.
Is hydrogen dangerous?Our hydrogen fuel is no more dangerous than petrol or batteries. Safety is a highly scrutinised aspect of any combustible fuel, as it should be. All of our technology and infrastructure is designed to surpass rigorous international and local safety standards. Hydrogen is lighter than air, so it dilutes rapidly upwards when released. It quickly dissipates, reducing the risk of a large fire. Liquid fuels such as petrol or diesel spread over other surfaces, which can lead to widespread fires.
How do hydrogen vehicles work?Hydrogen powered electric vehicles are called FCEVs (fuel cell electric vehicles). The fuel cells convert hydrogen into electricity needed to power the vehicles, with the only emissions being water vapour.
Can I fill my H70 vehicle at the Hiringa Refuelling Stations?Not yet. Our stations have been initially configured to fill heavy vehicles, which require H35 specification filling, the difference between H35 and H70 being the design pressure of the hydrogen system (where H35 is 35MPa or 5000psi and H70 is 70MPa or 10,000psi). Most modern passenger vehicles use the higher H70 specification because their tanks need to be smaller to fit within the car limits. If this is you then the station will only be able to achieve a ~50% state of charge for your FCEV car. Our stations have been designed to be upgradable to H70 in the future so if you would like to register your interest please do so via and we will keep you updated.
Can I fill my private H35 vehicle at a Hiringa Refuelling Station?Whilst our stations are configured for H35 refuelling we aren't initially setup with a point of sale system for the general public. We have plans to implement this in the future however (initially at H35), so if you are interested please register your interest at
Feel free to contact us if you'd like to know more.
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